At the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic, I often found myself staring at the seemingly innumerable (and ever-increasing) dashboards and graphics displaying how the number of cases skyrocketed daily.
Some of the charts presented the data in the most informational way possible. Others were decidedly calculated to cause fear and panic; supporting the media’s relentless pursuit of ad revenue through fear-mongering.
Like many people, I finally came to my senses. I knew things were difficult for so many people all over the world. But, there was absolutely nothing I could do about it.
In retrospect, it’s a good thing I wasn’t in charge. I struggle to manage my own life. How would I possibly manage the lives of billions of other people?
The only thing I can control is me, and even that isn’t completely true. While I can influence certain things, it’s still true that people in excellent physical shape will die suddenly of a heart attack, cancer, or some other fatal disease.
I don’t even have complete control over the thoughts that flow through my mind. The brain is remarkable and poorly understood. Nobody knows all the particulars of how a thought forms.
If I can’t control the thoughts I have (completely) then the only thing I can realistically control is how I respond to my…