Time, Well Wasted

Aaron Pace
4 min readAug 21, 2022
Photo by Kunj Parekh on Unsplash

I love baked salmon. I fell in love with it eating lovingly-prepared meals at my paternal grandmother’s table.

Unfortunately, she took her secret recipe to the grave with her. One thing I do know: no part of the recipe was hurried. Each filet was carefully seasoned by hand, wrapped in foil, and slow cooked to perfection.

Blue Lemon, a “fancy fast food” cafe in Salt Lake City, serves a pretty decent approximation to grandma’s salmon.

I always eat too fast.

My wife and I recently sat across from each other at Blue Lemon, once again enjoying the salmon. There was definite situational irony in that I devoured mine quickly while we talked about the frenetic pace of life. I sat and watched her savor each bite, tempted more than a few times to steal a forkful or two of her salmon.

On Medium.com, over 226,000 posts have used the tag “Productivity”. Clearly Medium is a space where people come to both write and read about all things related to getting more done.

This is the curse of modern, technology-driven living. At no time in history have more people been able to get more done in a 24-hour day.

For thousands of years, the only way to travel from place to place was either on foot or horse-powered conveyance. That meant even on the fastest of horses, you could, at…



Aaron Pace

Married to my best friend. Father to five exuberant children. Fledgling entrepreneur. Writer. Software developer. Inventory management expert.